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Update in-place location reference for S3

If you’ve moved your content from a local disk to S3 storage, you need to update the location of any files you imported using --in-place. To ensure you don’t update entries by accident, all commands run in dry run mode by default. Run commands with the --no-dry-run flag to update the references.


This command doesn’t move files. It only updates the location of the file to its S3 location based on the S3 settings in your environment file.





The source directory of your in-place import.

If no source is specified, all in-place imported tracks are updated.


The subdirectory in the S3 bucket where the files are now located.

If no target is specified, the current path of the file is used.


Update all in-place imports

  1. SSH into your Funkwhale server.

  2. Navigate to the Funkwhale directory.

    $ cd /srv/funkwhale
  3. Run the funkwhale-manage command line interface to update your in-place imports.

    $ venv/bin/funkwhale-manage fw inplace_to_s3 --no-dry-run
  1. SSH into your Funkwhale server.

  2. Navigate to the Funkwhale directory.

    $ cd /srv/funkwhale
  3. Run the funkwhale-manage command line interface to update your in-place imports.

    $ sudo docker compose run --rm api funkwhale-manage inplace_to_s3 --no-dry-run

Update in-place imports from a specific directory

  1. SSH into your Funkwhale server.

  2. Navigate to the Funkwhale directory.

    $ cd /srv/funkwhale
  3. Run the funkwhale-manage command line interface to update your in-place imports.

    $ venv/bin/funkwhale-manage fw inplace_to_s3 --source "/music" --no-dry-run
  1. SSH into your Funkwhale server.

  2. Navigate to the Funkwhale directory.

    $ cd /srv/funkwhale
  3. Run the funkwhale-manage command line interface to update your in-place imports.

    $ sudo docker compose run --rm api funkwhale-manage inplace_to_s3 --source "/music" --no-dry-run

All in-place imports in the /music folder are updated to reference the /music subdirectory in your S3 bucket.

Reference a different target subdirectory

  1. SSH into your Funkwhale server.

  2. Navigate to the Funkwhale directory.

    $ cd /srv/funkwhale
  3. Run the funkwhale-manage command line interface to update your in-place imports.

    $ venv/bin/funkwhale-manage fw inplace_to_s3 --source "/music" --target "/new_import" --no-dry-run
  1. SSH into your Funkwhale server.

  2. Navigate to the Funkwhale directory.

    $ cd /srv/funkwhale
  3. Run the funkwhale-manage command line interface to update your in-place imports.

    $ sudo docker compose run --rm api funkwhale-manage inplace_to_s3 --source "/music" --target "/new_import" --no-dry-run

All in-place imports in the /music folder are updated to reference the /new_import subdirectory in your S3 bucket.