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Create a library

Use the create_library command to create new libraries for a given user.


Data type




The user you want to create the library for.



The name of the library. Defaults to “default”.


Enum (String)

The privacy level of the library

  • "me" (default)

  • "instance"

  • "everyone"


Create a new library

Use the following command to create a new library with a custom name and privacy level.

venv/bin/funkwhale-manage create_library username1 --name="Library 1" --privacy-level="everyone"
sudo docker compose run --rm api funkwhale-manage create_library username1 --name="Library 1" --privacy-level="everyone"


Created library Library 1 for user username1 with UUID 436da05b-8cb1-4a4d-b870-4a3b235d8517

Create a new library with no name or privacy level

You can create a library using only a username. The script substitutes default values for the library name and privacy level.

venv/bin/funkwhale-manage create_library username1
sudo docker compose run --rm api funkwhale-manage create_library username1


Created library default for user username1 with UUID 436da05b-8cb1-4a4d-b870-4a3b235d8517

Library with the same name already exists

If a library with the same name already exists for the given user, the script will not create a new library.

venv/bin/funkwhale-manage create_library username1 --name="Library 1" --privacy-level="everyone"
sudo docker compose run --rm api funkwhale-manage create_library username1 --name="Library 1" --privacy-level="everyone"


Found existing library Library 1 for user username1 with UUID 436da05b-8cb1-4a4d-b870-4a3b235d8517