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Add artist and album tags from track metadata

Funkwhale extracts track tags from the file’s metadata. Funkwhale applies these tags to the track’s album and artist by running a check every few days. You can run the process at any time using the funkwhale-manage command line interface.

The command performs the following actions:

  1. Finds all local artists or albums with no tags.

  2. Gets all the tags associated with the album/artist’s tracks.

  3. Applies the track’s tags to the album/artist.

Add tags to albums

To add tags to untagged albums:

  1. SSH into your Funkwhale server.

  2. Navigate to the Funkwhale directory.

    cd /srv/funkwhale
  3. Run the funkwhale-manage command line interface to generate tags for untagged albums.

    venv/bin/funkwhale-manage fw albums add-tags-from-tracks
  1. SSH into your Funkwhale server.

  2. Navigate to the Funkwhale directory.

    cd /srv/funkwhale
  3. Run the funkwhale-manage command line interface to generate tags for untagged albums.

    sudo docker compose run --rm api funkwhale-manage fw albums add-tags-from-tracks

Add tags to artists

To add tags to untagged artists:

  1. SSH into your Funkwhale server.

  2. Navigate to the Funkwhale directory.

    cd /srv/funkwhale
  3. Run the funkwhale-manage command line interface to generate tags for untagged artists.

    venv/bin/funkwhale-manage fw artists add-tags-from-tracks
  1. SSH into your Funkwhale server.

  2. Navigate to the Funkwhale directory.

    cd /srv/funkwhale
  3. Run the funkwhale-manage command line interface to generate tags for untagged artists.

    sudo docker compose run --rm api funkwhale-manage fw artists add-tags-from-tracks