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Git workflow

Funkwhale uses GitLab’s merge requests to manage changes. The workflow looks like this:

  1. Assign the issue you are working on to yourself, or create one if it doesn’t exist

  2. Create a fork of the project

  3. Check out the develop branch. If you’re making a minor change (such as fixing a typo) you can check out the stable branch

  4. Create a new branch based on the checked out branch. Make sure to give your branch a meaningful name and include the issue number if required

  5. Work on your changes locally. Try to keep each commit small to make reviews easier

  6. Add a changelog fragment summarizing your changes

  7. Lint the codebase using the following command:

    black --check --diff . # Run the black linter in the project root to highlight any new issues
    cd front
    yarn run eslint # Run eslint in the front directory
  8. Push your branch

  9. Create a merge request in the GitLab frontend

  10. We’ll review your request and feed back

%%{init: { 'gitGraph': {'mainBranchName': 'stable'} } }%% gitGraph commit branch develop commit commit branch feature commit commit checkout develop merge feature commit checkout stable merge develop