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Edit a radio

You can edit a radio at any time to change its details, its filters, or both. To do this:

  1. Select Radios in the sidebar. The Browsing radios screen opens.

  2. Find your radio under the User radios section. Select Edit. The Builder screen opens.

  3. Edit any of the following:

    • Radio name.

    • Description.

    • Display publicly.

  4. Select Add filter to add new filters. Select Remove to remove existing filters.

  5. Select Save to save your radio.

  1. Select the hamburger menu () to open the menu bar.

  2. Select Explore ‣ Radios or My Library ‣ Radios. The Browsing radios screen opens.

  3. Find your radio under the User radios section. Select Edit. The Builder screen opens.

  4. Edit any of the following:

    • Radio name.

    • Description.

    • Display publicly.

  5. Select Add filter to add new filters. Select Remove to remove existing filters.

  6. Select Save to save your radio.

That’s it! You’ve updated your radio’s details.