Scrobbler plugin


If you want to use to scrobble your listens, your pod admin needs to set up an API account. Contact your pod admin if you have any questions.

The Scrobbler plugin enables you to submit (scrobble) listens to a scrobbler service. Scrobbling listens helps you build up a profile of your music tastes. It also enables you to keep a record of your listens.


Using ListenBrainz or Maloja? Check out the ListenBrainz and Maloja plugins!

The Scrobbler plugin supports any scrobbling service that uses the Audioscrobbler protocol. To set up the Scrobbler plugin:

  1. Log in to your account.

  2. Select the cog icon () or your avatar to expand the user menu.

  3. Select Settings.

  4. Scroll down to the Plugins section.

  5. Select Manage plugins.

  6. Find the Scrobbler plugin.

  7. Toggle the Enabled switch.

  8. Enter the URL of the scrobbler service. If you leave this field blank, the plugin defaults to

  9. Enter Your scrobbler username. You can set this up on your scrobbler service.

  10. Enter Your scrobbler password. You can set this up on your scrobbler service.

  11. Select Save.

  1. Log in to your account.

  2. Select the cog icon () or your avatar to open the Options menu.

  3. Select Settings.

  4. Scroll down to the Plugins section.

  5. Select Manage plugins.

  6. Find the Scrobbler plugin.

  7. Toggle the Enabled switch.

  8. Enter the URL of the scrobbler service. If you leave this field blank, the plugin defaults to

  9. Enter Your scrobbler username. You can set this up on your scrobbler service.

  10. Enter Your scrobbler password. You can set this up on your scrobbler service.

  11. Select Save.

That’s it! You’ve set up the Scrobbler plugin. When you listen to tracks, the plugin sends the information to your scrobbler service.