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Create a playlist

Create playlists to share your favorite tracks with other Funkwhale users.

To create a playlist:

  1. Log in to your account.

  2. Select Playlists under the My Library section of the sidebar. The Browsing playlists screen opens.

  3. Select Manage your playlists. The Manage playlists screen appears.

  4. Enter a Playlist name for your new playlist.

  5. Select the Playlist visibility for your playlist. Choose from the following options:

    • Everyone, across all instances – the playlist is available to everybody who interacts with your pod. This includes users of other pods.

    • Everyone on this instance – the playlist is available to all users on your pod. This does not include users of other pods.

    • Nobody except me – the playlist is only available to you and people you share it with.

  6. Select Create playlist. A Playlist created message appears.

  1. Log in to your account.

  2. Select the hamburger menu () to open the menu bar.

  3. Select My Library ‣ Playlists. The Browsing playlists screen opens.

  4. Select Manage your playlists. The Manage playlists screen appears.

  5. Enter a Playlist name for your new playlist.

  6. Select the Playlist visibility for your playlist. Choose from the following options:

    • Everyone, across all instances – the playlist is available to everybody who interacts with your pod. This includes users of other pods.

    • Everyone on this instance – the playlist is available to all users on your pod. This does not include users of other pods.

    • Nobody except me – the playlist is only available to you and people you share it with.

  7. Select Create playlist. A Playlist created message appears.

Congratulations! You’ve created your playlist. Now you can add some content to it.